
Expression of Students of different Institutions on education system(Survey)

High quality education and training plays an important role in the development of any country. Without education no nation and society can achieve its goals and objectives. Only a conscious nation can establish an ideal society and this is not possible without education. The importance of education is best illustrated by the hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Get knowledge, why don't you go to China for it.” South African revolutionary leader a Nelson Mandela said: Education is a powerful tool that can change the world. ”

Dear country is one of the countries where the standard of education is very low. However, many other developing countries in our region such as Sri Lanka are far ahead of Pakistan in the field of education. According to the latest UNICEF report, more than 60 million children in Pakistan are deprived of primary and more than 20 million children are deprived of secondary education. Our education system is not only flawed but also neglected. Recently, Hilal conducted a survey on the problems faced by the education system and their solutions in which students of various institutions expressed their views on the education system and related issues.

Waleed Mehboob

(Khyber Medical College Peshawar)

Due to the lack of uniform curriculum, each province has different textbooks and different educational standards and one important thing is the language of the curriculum. Each province values ​​subjects in its majority language and tests students in them, which makes it difficult for students in other provinces to present themselves on foreign platforms. Therefore, if the education system is introduced under a uniform curriculum across the country, this problem can not only be overcome, but there is a strong possibility that students who are able to express their abilities in a better way due to the dual education system. They will have more opportunity to come forward.

Sania Mumtaz Tahir

(King Edward Medical College Lahore)

The biggest problem in our education system is the unequal distribution of resources. In our economic system, just as the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, so is the difference between two students in the same class. It has to do with both the qualifications of teachers and our education system. If a student is weak in one subject and not in another, it is not the student's fault. He should have the option to choose the subject of his choice so that he can showcase his abilities in this field.

Fatima Sajid

(Kniard College for Women)

The education sector is not given much importance in our country as evidenced by our education budget. Only two to three percent of our national income is spent on education. It is not difficult to estimate how little education has been given priority in the priorities of our governments. There is no integrated education system at the government level. There is a separate education system for the rich and the poor. The children of the poor cannot get an education. Government schools are run under a very outdated system. Teachers are highly valued in any developed country while in our country teachers are not given their due respect. The youth of our country have a passion for education but this sector is frustrated due to many problems. Therefore, special attention needs to be paid to this sector.

Arza Younis

(Army Public School, Multan)

Arza Younis belongs to Army Public School. He said that getting education is our basic right. It is a pity that millions of children in our country are deprived of this right. If these children are given equal opportunities to get education, then these children will go ahead and make Pakistan famous. Our government should pay special attention to education among other projects.

Khadija Tahira

(Lahore School of Economics)

There is a big difference in our education system which is in front of us in the form of English and Urdu medium. The education system in government institutions is very poor due to which the poor are not able to give higher education to their children. In some areas, schools are occupied by landlords and vassals who use the schools to tie their cattle or as warehouses. In our country, textbooks are not changed for a long time due to which children are deprived of new and modern information.

Saher zafar

(Allied School, Rawalpindi)

The private sector is playing its part in overcoming educational problems in Pakistan. As well as being a positive step, many steps are also negative. For example, private schools are usually set up in a small residential building. This building is good for one or two families but not enough for the school. It does not have a playground which prevents children from developing properly. The private sector sees education as a business rather than a mission. Because of this, high fees are charged which are out of reach of the common man. That is why poor parents cannot send their children to good schools. At the same time, a very important point is that it is generally observed that schools teach selected chapters of books to improve their results and to the satisfaction of the parents and special discounts are given to the children during the examinations. And custom results are compiled.


(International Islamic University, Islamabad)

The current education system in our country is less practical and does not take into account the mental state of the student. There are very few practical education institutions in our country. There is a need to establish such educational institutions in the country where students are also given practical education. With general education, we can produce clerks, but if we talk about experts in various fields, the establishment of practical educational institutions is essential. Given the problems that have arisen with regard to the education system, it can be concluded that the number of schools should be increased by doubling the education budget. Teachers should be given better environment and better salaries. Better results can be achieved if the tuition culture is discouraged. At the same time, the government should implement a uniform curriculum throughout the country. In addition, before allowing anyone to open a private school, the building should be inspected regularly to ensure that there is air, light and a playground for the physical development of the children. Schools should not be allowed to open in small houses as proper mental training of children cannot be ensured in such a place.


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