Parent teacher meeting for betterment of students

Meeting of teachers and parents for the welfare of studens.

Although there are many strength and weakness within the education system of Pakistan and also  the efforts made to enhance this education system are considered unsatisfactory. 

One of the main reason for this insufficient effort is the economic aspect of this country. It is different matter that the deeds of the beloved homeland offer very little budget on education. 
However, in the view of these scare resources we need to take steps to achieve maximum and better results with minimum expenditure. 

Purpose of this text and other similar articles to find a few projects that can help us improve the education and training of students and teachers.  However keep in mind that due to lack of time and space. This topic is summarized below.

Term PTM (Parent-Teacher meeting) is used for above article. This term PTM is used exclusively by both Govt and public sectors. Actually, after six month, after three month, monthly or weekly PTM is held regularly in private schools. Regardless of the objectives of the private sector, results have been positive for the betterment of students. At the same time, thinkers of educational psychology claim that the personal factors and problems of the students and the psychology associated with these problems have a great impact on the learning of the studens.

It is no coincidence that students spend  less time with their teachers than their parents in education (barely 30-35 hours out of 168 hours a week). I this limited time, much of the focus is on biblical teachinguni, and the element of teachig sabbat limited to hearing a few moral facts that are lacking in practice and somerimes is reversed. Anyway, in these 35 to 36 hours spend by teachers and students together, only the orders and syllabi of the department can hardly be fulfilled.

On the other hand, there are parents (father/mother brother/sister) with home the childern spend almost rest of their time. 
Considerg the strengths and weaknesses of the education system ; cost reduction, educational psychology and the role of teachers students as well as students , we come to know that parents of public school children should contact the school  head or class incharge. But in real we see that once tthey submitted their chidren they don't want to contact with teacher or head teacher because of their busy social and financial life.
The only solution of this problem is to discuss relevant issues such as low cost sittings like PTM  which will help teachers to understand the psychology of students and students to understand the psychology of teachers, under which teachers and parents will be directly  and psychologicaly involved in education and training and will be ready to solve problems acording to their own circumstances. All of these things can have aardvark positive effect on other social aspects.

Let's try to sketch out the issues related to this process but readers can sort these issues according  to their environment and circumstances.
For that we assume that a class incharge has 40 students. 

1. Teacher must make sure that he/she has the contact number ( cell no.) of  the parents of all the students.

2. These parents shoud be given appointment durimg their class period and especially  parents should be consulted during the students' class work, test or lesson memorization process so that the teaching process is not affected . Parents who can't come because they are in other countries can be contacted via mobile/WhatsApp.

3. Teacher will tell parents about children's behaviour and work and show report of monthly  tests. Ask parents about their children's home routines. Congratulate parents on the good progress of their children and inform about their children's weaknesses. These actions may vary according to the environment.

Such individual or group meetings wil be very important and beneficial, for example , parents will realize that their children are in capable hands and teachers will be able to understand their psychology through children's problems and then educate them accordingly.
In addition,  an atmosphere of trust wll be established in the society regarding Government  educational institutes. 


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