Study of feminism in the light of religion, psychology, philosophy and economic


Study of feminism in the light of religion, psychology, philosophy and economic 

Feminism is a social movement that fights for women's rights.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the concept of feminism refers to "the feminist movement for women's rights based on equality between men and women".

And  definition of feminity in other dictionary is as follows:

"Feminism is a theory of gender equality in political, economic, social, scientific and literary terms"

In fact, feminity is an expression of these thoughts and ideas that ensures women's rights with dignity.

Today it is proving to be the most powerful ideology and practice, thanks to its support for equality and its opposition to bigotry.That's because the woman has recognized her own special abilities.

The society that demanded social exploitation and oppression of women today is forced to accept the social status of women because of this movement.

 Religion and feminity

The concept of woman is clear in religion and there are clear commandments of religion on the structure and composition of woman.

It is unfortunate that we obey the injunctions that have been used to make women inferior and degraded. Unlike other religions, Islam promotes a woman's personal identity as well as her status and place.

According to the religion of Islam, both men and women are equal human beings and human beings have been created with a decent calendar.

 The man is superior to the woman in Islam only in such a sense that  the man is responsible for the woman's sustenance. The woman is entitled to dowry and inheritance. Just as the man has the right to divorce, so does the woman has the right to divorce. So we say that religion Islam has given the woman  a true place in the society.

Feminism and psychology

  From a psychological point of view, there is a natural contradiction between men and women. This distinction is physical and psychological. But in this way, in some characteristics man is superior and in other characteristics woman is superior. 

The difference between men and women in society is part of human history.

By depriving women of their economic and political rights and enslaving them mentally, the realm of life of woman was confined to the four walls of the home.

Psychologists call it discrimination based on sexism or sexual orientation

 Dr.Hashmi examines the effects of Freud and Young's ideas on the human psyche.

Explaining Freud's theories, he writes that Freud was probably the first to come up with a different view on women's psychology.

In his view, "The boy feels close to his mother and competes with his father since childhood, which is called Eddie Pes Complex. On the contrary, the girl considers her father worthy of love".

But Carl Jung defined the human soul or caste as the masculine soul, that is, the concept of a woman in a man's mind, he called it a feminine.

If we examine the perceptions of women on a psychological level, then the established standards of inferiority and superiority appear to change.

Dr. Hashmi in his article "Women and Psychology" highlights the psychological aspect of men and women.

The implication is that there is a difference between men and women in physical appearance.When men and women are tested on a biological and psychological level, then nature has made women more powerful than men. Men are also aware of this.

But in order to dominate  and overcome the desire for domination, man adopts such methods as if a woman is always confused and stressed and forced to accept his sovereignty.

Feminity and economics

  Feminism also has an old relationship with economics. When the issue of women's autonomy was raised, the issues of labor and employment came under discussion.

Some people think that a woman cannot be equal to a man in physical labor, so she is doomed.

Feminist economists question the quality and measure of physical exertion, as well as the value of  doing the women's housework for free.

Besides, women are seen working side by side with men in every field, but in this society of men, this thing is ignored.

In terms of economic self-sufficiency, women are working in almost every field.From the labor to the officer level, women are driving the economic wheel.

 The train of sociology cannot be driven by men alone. Society is not the name of a single person or a family. It is made up of families and different sections of society.

 Since woman is also an essential element of this society and her status is not only that of a woman but also a writer, poet, philosopher, journalist, politician and possesses other status, she is also mentally no less than men.

Therefore, the deterioration of society and its reform and welfare are equally dependent on both.

Just as a man cannot abdicate his responsibility to society, so a woman cannot abdicate her responsibility.

 The status of a woman in the society is like that of a mother, sister, daughter and wife which cannot be ignored in the society in any way.

Feminity and philosophy

Feminist philosophers, on the one hand, use philosophical ideas for the purposes of the feminist movement, and on the other hand, examine the prevailing philosophies from the same point of view.

The earliest known schools of philosophy, from the Greek concept of a human deity to Plato's King Philosopher, and from German Nietzsche's perfect Man to Iqbal's Believing men, all heroes are men.

Philosophic discussion on feminism still needs research.


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