Some Tips for Acne Treatment(Health corner)
Some Tips for Acne Treatment(Health corner) Most women spend hundreds of dollars on expensive cosmetics and beauty treatments and are left with unsatisfactory results when there are simple procedures that a person can do comfortably at home to ensure that their skin is healthy and flawless. Read on for tips on keeping your skin healthy and happy : 1. Exfoliate often Too much oil produced by the skin clogs the pores and causes acne; dead skin cells accumulate and need to be removed regularly to provide a new, healthier skin layer. Be sure to exfoliate your face once or twice a week and it will greatly reduce the appearance of dark spots and blemishes. 2. Avoid touching your face Throughout the day avoid touching your face like sweaty hands and this spreads to the face. Most people are forced to get acne when they appear, but this can make acne worse as it spreads bacteria and causes infections. 3. Add ice and honey Ice helps to strengthen the skin and reduce the appearance of pore...