Pubg Mobile


Pubg Mobile

As we all know on the battlefield your life usually depends on how fast you put your guns. So if that’s the most important thing I’ve decided to measure which way I’m going to go at the beginning of the game.

Most of you have probably thought that going downhill toward the plane and holding the strafe + forward when your parachute exploded (to avoid speed loss) and then moving forward until you reached the fastest way down.

Things get even more complicated when we want to travel as far as 2 or 3kms away from a plane. After hours and hours of experimentation and speed, I came to the conclusion.

When using the first method, we need to move forward by looking up at the sky and try to get to where you can get it before the automatic pull of your parachute (900m - 1.2km is the max you can do). The distance you will travel after the chute is opened depends on the speed you intend to maintain.

There is a chart with my results:

Speed ​​- Distance - Time

20 + km / h - 1,40- 1m 25sec

40 + km / h - 1,55- 1m 09sec

50 + km / h - 1,50- 1m 00sec

60 + km / h - 1,30- 0m 58sec

2nd Technique is all about flying forward and pulling your parachute very fast. After that maintaining the right speed will give us a nice difference in the results.

There is a chart with my results:

Speed ​​- Distance - Time

20 + km / h - 2,90km - 3m 33sec

30 + km / h - 2,30km - 2m 35sec

40 + km / h - 1,90km - 2m 02sec

50 + km / h - 1,65km - 1m 37sec

60 + km / h - 1,30km - 1m 24sec

3RD Technique Parachute Right Down and Drive with Vehicle

I estimate the approx time it takes if we could pack up and go to the car and try to drive 2kms. 

Here's what I found:

Car - Distance - Time

UAZ - 2km - 2m 17sec

Disruption - 2km - 2m 14sec

Dacia - 2km - 2m 02sec

Bicycle - 2km - 1m 51sec

SuperBike - 2km - 1m 44sec

Keep in mind that all of those measurements were made with full driving and in the kinda area.


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