File Management in Operating System


File Management in Operating System

In this article I take a brief look at how an application (OS) interacts with files.

Its data collection is usually stored on a second storage device such as a hard disk or floppy diskette.

The OS should provide multiple file-related functions so that users can store and secure data securely.

The most common tasks are:







In addition, the performance of a single data object within a file is supported by:




Files Control Files

File control blocks (FCB), sometimes called file adjectives, are data structures that contain information about a file. When the OS needs file access, it creates a compatible file control block to manage that file.

The file control block structure varies between applications, but most file control blocks include the following components:


Location on secondary storage


Date and time or create or last access

Naming a name

Each OS uses a specific assembly or naming practice.

MS-DOS uses eight characters, a dot, and a three-letter extension that describes the file type. File names are not sensitive to charges.

UNIX file names can be up to 254 characters long and are sensitive to charges.

Windows Filenames can be up to 255 characters long and are not sexually sensitive.


Genres refer to classification of file content, such as program, text, operating system or data.

For Windows applications, the type is based on the file name extension. The most common types and their extensions are:



. foundations

basic source system


Source system c


system library


Word document


operating system



Windows associates programs (programs) with certain types. For example, an automated application that opens to process type.txt is a Notepad editor.

How the operating system saves files

A hard disk has a number of categories specified in sequence. As files are made, free domains are assigned to capture their content and are marked as shared.

To keep track of categories and whether they are shared or free, and in which file, the OS maintains multiple tables.

Root file system

When the OS is first installed, it creates a root file system on the disk that specifies how many domains are available and how they will be shared.

The root file system is a table of entries as a reference. Generally, this is the default size, and once full, no other entries can be added.Each install can be a file or other index table.

Installation of Root file system

This program is very effective, but the entry may be visible,


Starting collection number

Length in bytes


Modified creation and last reservation date

permissions (access control list)


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