Anxiety Disorders and COVID-19


Anxiety Disorders and COVID-19

The human mind is powerful! There are millions of Americans and others suffering from some form of mental illness. The COVID-19 epidemic makes life very difficult for those who suffer from mental illness.

There are all kinds of reputable treatments. This text will focus only on the problem of anxiety.

Anxiety Disorder is a condition in which the human body responds to abnormal stress. People face daily pressures. There is stress at work, family stress, financial stress, religious depression, marital stress, parental depression, and many other problems. Depression is like a hammer that hits your body. If left untreated, it can be fatal. The way your body responds to these pressures is important for your health.

During the COVID-19 epidemic there are additional pressures that affect the lives of millions of Americans. I will list many of them but there are many more.

Threat of illness and death. The threat of losing a well-paying job. Threatened loved ones by illness and death. Future uncertainty. The threat of economic stagnation and loss of retirement. The threat of extinction is the most important thing in your family. The threat of starvation or malnutrition. The threat of homelessness. The threat of separation from family and loved ones. The threat of misdemeanor by the community when tested positive for COVID-19. The pressure of kids studying at home while working and working. The pressure of childcare when there are no crèches open. The pressure to pay your employees or to keep your small business open. Debt settlement.

Let’s be honest, these pressures are enough to send anyone to a condition called anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorder in its simplest form your body responds negatively to stress. It is very similar to a plane or a military response to stress. The human brain can only take so much before it causes mental disorders.

According to Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, the following are three common symptoms of COVID-19:

1. The flu

2. Dry cough

3. Shortness of breath

From then on they learned that each patient is different. Many patients may experience fatigue, chills, muscle aches, red eyes, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, and severe abdominal pain.

Some patients have no problems and carry COVID-19 but have no symptoms.

As a result of these common symptoms and asymptomatic carriers it is difficult to say that all patients have COVID-19 infection without testing. People are told to think that everyone has the virus because the symptoms are very common.

Depression manifests itself in the body in many similar ways. It is not uncommon for a patient under great pressure to show the following symptoms:

1. Muscle Aches

2. Headaches

3. Nausea

4. Fatigue

5. A weakened immune system leads to the flu.

6. Diarrhea

7. Shortness of breath

8. Chest tightness

9. Muscle weakness in the legs and arms

10. Confusion

11. Outbursts of anger and frustration

One would have to believe that they have a COVID-19 contract, and they actually suffer from severe anxiety disorders.

The first thing you should do is schedule an appointment with your doctor and get medical advice. Other steps you can take to cut out all the social media, and the media in your life, to exercise regularly, stay away from caffeine, and get enough sleep. There are also instructions your doctor can give you that are not addictive but will help you lose weight and reduce your anxiety.

COVID-19 and Anxiety Disorder are real threats and with government shutdown, retrenchment, and illness, those suffering from mental illness carry the burden. I hope that this article will give the reader peace of mind that they will be able to differentiate between the virus and anxiety and not panic if they start to have symptoms.


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