A Peep Into The English Poetry


A Peep Into The English Poetry 

The poetry of John Donne, and Milton. 

The period of time from John Mitchell to the Unit that contains only one half of a century. The two poets are to be regarded as one of the most prominent English poets, and to have a strong place in the history of the English language. John Donne lived from 1572 to 1631, and There, from 1608 to 1674. For a period of time, the lives of the two poets is not exceeded. The two poets have left a significant mark in the English language. There was a famous before, and the significance of John Donne as a poet was recognized much later. In fact, it is a good 200 years later. 

John Donne:

John Dnne was a writer, a lawyer, and a minister in the Church of England. He is considered to be one of the most prominent representatives of metaphysical poetry. Nature, in connection with, the poetry is poetry on love, science, romance, and sensuality, it has been integrated with the relationship of man to God. These are the lyrics that contain the intense reflections. John Dunn has been highly influenced by the church, and when his poetry was religious in general. 

The metaphysical poets:

Along with the small, the other metaphysical poets included George Herbert (1593-1633), Andrew Marvell (1621-1678), and Henry, they are. They have their own unique style, and that it was sensual, and it contained love poems, religious poems, and sermons. The metaphysical poets were later superseded by the romantic poets. Marvell was also associated with John Milton. He has served as secretary, and for a time There, it was captured during the Restoration, it was a " Marvell, who brought him to submit his resignation. 

Poets, Andrew Marvell, George Herbert, never published their poems in their lives, and their poems have been published posthumously. 

- John Milton :

- John Milton, who lived during the same time period, was a learned writer. He, too, was an official, in co-operation with England, is led by Oliver Instagram. His monumental work, the Lost Paradise, and put him at the top of the English language. There is there is the humiliation of the loss of his sight for the rest of his life, but he just took it for granted, and have no remorse or self-pity to be forced into this problem. 

In contrast to John Donnea and his contemporaries, There was not a metaphysical poet. Even though he lived in the same era, style, and themes, which were of a very different kind. There is focus on the social and religious issues. In his epic Paradise Lost, Milton's purpose was to justify the ways of God. The main aim is to explain the ways of God to man. 

There is achieved international acclaim during his lifetime. During this period, he wrote the" Areopagitica " with condemnation ?????????? completed. There was a serious man, and writing in English, Latin, and Italian. 

There is, and Dunn's interpretation of the relationship between God and the Human person. 

There is, and Mitchell, are, on the contrary, researchers in the field. Milton, in Paradise Lost, he tells about the fall of man in Genesis. Graphic discussion of Adam and Eve by God. Smith, elder & co, on the other hand, in Saint-Sonnet XIV, a very different scenario. It shows that a man's complete dependence on God. John Dunn was a very, very religious, and his poetry shows the rationality and beauty of the faith you have in God. 

Thus, the two poets wrote poems, which have an influence on the various aspects of the relationship between God and the human person. The fact is that both of these poets, the word of God as the focus of their attention, even though they tend to interpret the relationship of man with God is different. 

Milton and the Politics: 

Milton was aware of John Donne's. Every day, he was walking out of school to go home, and put a St. Paul's Cathedral, England. Most likely, he listened to the sermons of John Donne, was read at that time. Milton's poetry was different from that of Donne and the metaphysical poets. In the political scenario of that time, it was more sensitive.


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